Social Media & PR

With the popularity of social media today, it is crucial to include into public relations practices. Social Media is equally, if not sometimes more, important than traditional public relations practices like print media. It is a two-way communication channel that allows interaction and feedback from the public – something print media does not offer.  I would even go as far to say that social media is the epitome of public relations. It can be used effectively in public relations campaigns and in everyday public relations efforts.  You can think of it like a chain reaction or word-of-mouth but more like “word-of-posts”. Every day or however often you choose , you can put out a message for minimum to no cost and it then spreads like wild fire with every like, re-tweet, or share. It is a powerful and effective way to create conversation or excitement about a brand.

I will definitely continue to use my Twitter account that I created for this class. It is fun to communicate with PR professionals and to learn from them. It really keeps me focused on my professional goals and motivated about public relations. I love LinkedIn but I find it much more fun and easier to be active on Twitter. It is a great networking tool and heavily used within the public relations world. To succeed in public relations it is important to both market your brand on social media and make a personal brand for yourself to market on social media.

Follow me on Twitter @MadisonRoeselPR !

9 thoughts on “Social Media & PR

  1. Using social media allows for everyone to have an opportunity to share their thoughts with the world and even turn themselves into their own brand. Social media is definitely a powerful medium that reaches many different people.

  2. I totally agree with you when you say that social media is “word-of-posts” that ‘s exactly what it is. I also agree when you say it is the embodiment of public relations.

  3. I what you said about social media being a two way communication and print is not. I haven’t really thought about it like that before, but that is so important to thing about when working with public relations.

  4. I completely agree that social media is growing to be more important, and useful, than traditional social media. It is definitely growing into an extremely important outlet and resource for successful public relations.

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